3 June 2014

Report: serious health risks to children in Australian detention centres on Nauru

A confidential report that was obtained by The Guardian Australia documents the desperate state of healthcare for families in Australian detention facilities on Nauru. The report writes that children on Nauru do not receive an adequate health screening and that up to 50 percent of them could carry latent tuberculosis. Furthermore, it raises serious worries that Nauru does not have a child protection framework in place, that there is a significant risk that children are sexually abused and that most pregnant women have a depression.

The report, which was written by a health subcommittee consisting of independent medical experts, was not meant for the public and was issued for review to the Nauran and Australian governments. The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHCR) indicated that it will accept the report as evidence for its inquiry into children in detention centres.

According to Amy Lamoin of Unicef Australia, ‘that children are being exposed to chronic diseases, delayed treatment and deteriorating health while under the protection of Australia is of great concern. The government must uphold its responsibilities and ensure that children in its care have access to adequate standards of health care and protection.’

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Source: The Guardian | Nauru detention: serious health risks to children revealed in confidential report
Source: The Guardian | Nauru: Human Rights Commission will accept leaked report as evidence

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