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Expert Seminar Report – Responsibility in Multinational Military Operations: a Review of Recent Practice

The report summarizes the presentations and following discussions from the Expert Seminar on Responsibility in Multinational Military Operations held in Amsterdam in December 2010. At this meeting, experts discussed the practice of four international organizations engaging in multinational military operations: … Read more


Joint Responsibility between the EU and Member States for Non-Performance of Obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements

André Nollkaemper

This chapter explores the basis and manifestations of joint responsibility between the European Union (EU) and its Member States for non-performance of obligations contained in multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Joint responsibility has often been advanced as an attractive solution where … Read more


Dual attribution: liability of the Netherlands for conduct of Dutchbat in Srebrenica

André Nollkaemper

On 5 July 2011 the Court of Appeal of The Hague held that the state of the Netherlands had acted unlawfully and is liable, under Dutch law, for evicting four Bosnian nationals from the compound of Dutchbat in Srebrenica on … Read more


Issues of Shared Responsibility before the International Court of Justice

André Nollkaemper

An increasing number of situations where international responsibility of states is engaged, involve wrongful acts committed by two or more states. Examples of such situations of shared responsibility can be found in the context of multinational military operations, extra-territorial migration … Read more


Abuse of the Legal Personality of International Organizations and the Responsibility of Member States

Jean d'Aspremont

This Article makes the argument that when member states abuse the international legal personality of an international organization through the exercise of an excessive control over the decision-making process of the organization, they must be held, together with the organization, … Read more

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