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The Right to Development and State Responsibility

Nienke van der Have

The right to development is still largely viewed as aspirational and not as a ‘proper’ legal right. This chapter explores if and how a rights-based approach to development could ever be carried to its logical conclusion; by holding states accountable … Read more


A European Law of International Responsibility? The Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations and the European Union

Jean d’Aspremont

The first section of this paper will briefly describe the plea made by the European Union for recognition of special rules of responsibility for regional economic integration organizations, with an emphasis on rules on attribution (Part 1). The paper will … Read more


Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in International Adjudication: Introduction

André Nollkaemper

The procedural rules of international courts are key to the ability of such courts to adjudicate questions of shared responsibility. These procedural rules, as well as the practice of international courts, vary widely and have not yet been subject of … Read more


The Elusive Allocation of Responsibility to Informal Organizations: The Case of the Quartet on the Middle East

John Dugard and Annemarieke Vermeer-Künzli

This paper considers the question of responsibility for omissions of the Quartet on the Middle East. The Quartet was created to assist in the peace process between Israel and Palestine. Its core document is the Roadmap, but in recent years … Read more


Shared Responsibility Aspects of the Dispute Settlement Procedures in the Law of the Sea Convention

Ilias Plakokefalos

The concept of shared responsibility seeks to capture the situation where a multiplicity of actors contribute towards a single harmful outcome. This paper examines the procedural aspects of shared responsibility as they appear in the United Nations Convention on the … Read more

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