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To Share or Not to Share? The Allocation of Responsibility between International Organizations and their Member States

Christiane Ahlborn

This paper will discuss the costs and benefits of sharing responsibility between states and international organizations for their own internationally wrongful acts. Rules on shared responsibility are sparse in the existing law of international responsibility as codified by the International … Read more


Wither Aut Dedere? The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute after the ICJ’s Judgment in Belgium v Senegal

André Nollkaemper

In this article the question will be explored that was raised, but not fully addressed, in the Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v Senegal) case: does a state that has custody over a person who is … Read more


‘Failures to Protect’ in International Law

André Nollkaemper

Every new mass atrocity tends to provoke a critique of outside actors that failed to protect populations. Many observers are no longer content with condemning perpetrators and extend their moral outrage to bystanders who should have done more. However, from … Read more


The Relations Between the European Union and its Member States from the Perspective of the ILC Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations

Giorgio Gaja

This article is the text of the SHARES lecture Judge Giorgio Gaja gave at the University of Amsterdam on 11 April 2013, entitled: ‘The relations between the European Union and its member states from the perspective of the ILC Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations’.


The Law of International Responsibility and Multilayered Institutional Veils: the Case of Authorized Regional Peace-Enforcement Operations

Jean d'Aspremont

This short article sheds some light on the difficulties inherent in the application of international responsibility mechanisms to situations of authorized regional uses of force. It shows the extent to which the double institutional veil that characterizes these situations comes … Read more

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