Latest events

7 November 2013

SHARES Lecture: ‘The ILC Work on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters’, by Eduardo Valencia-Ospina

On Thursday 7 November 2013, Dr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina will give a lecture entitled: ‘The ILC Work on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters’.

Dr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina is member of the International Law Commission (ILC) and the United Nations ILC Special Rapporteur on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters(more…)

18 October 2013

SHARES Seminar: A New Framework for Allocating International Responsibility: the EU Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights

On 18 October 2013, a seminar will be held in Amsterdam entitled A New Framework for Allocating International Responsibility: the EU Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights.

On 5 April 2013, a draft agreement was concluded on the modalities for the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. The seminar critically reflects on one key aspect of the draft agreement: the allocation of international responsibility between the EU and its member states, as well as between the member states. In particular, it reviews whether the agreement adequately addresses the gaps in human rights protection that presently arise from the specific relationship between the EU and its member states.

During this seminar, the issues of attribution and responsibility; the co-respondent mechanism; and the allocation of responsibility within the legal order of the EU will be discussed. (more…)

3 October 2013

SHARES Lecture: ‘Joint and several liability in tort law: lessons for international law’, by Michael Faure

On Thursday 3 October 2013, Professor Michael Faure will give a lecture entitled: ‘Joint and several liability in tort law: lessons for international law’.

Professor Faure is Professor of Comparative and International Environmental Law at Maastricht University, academic director at the Maastricht European institute for transnational legal research (METRO), and Academic Director of the Ius Commune Research School. He is also Professor of Comparative Private Law and Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. (more…)

19 September 2013

SHARES/ESIL Lecture ‘Individual and Collective Responsibility of States for Acts of International Organizations’, by James Crawford

On 19 September 2013, Professor James Crawford will give a lecture entitled Individual and Collective Responsibility of States for Acts of International Organizations on the occasion of the publication of his new book State Responsibility. The General Part (Cambridge University Press, 2013).

This lecture will be a combined SHARES lecture and European Society of International Law (ESIL) lecture. (more…)

13 June 2013

SHARES Debate: The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories: is there a responsibility for the Netherlands?

On Thursday 13 June 2013, the third SHARES Debate is organised in cooperation with SPUI25, an academic-cultural centre that offers a forum for among others lectures, debates and book presentations.

SHARES Debates are organised throughout the academic year to provide a platform for discussions with a broader (non-academic) audience on questions of shared responsibility. The upcoming debate is entitled: The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories: is there a responsibility for the Netherlands? (more…)

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