Latest events

13 February 2014

SHARES Lecture: ‘Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan’, by Sarah Nouwen

On 13 February 2014, Dr. Sarah Nouwen will give a lecture entitled: ‘Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan’ on the occasion of the publication of her new book Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan (Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Dr. Sarah Nouwen is a university lecturer in law at the University of Cambridge and fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and of Pembroke College. Her book, Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan (part of Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) explores whether, how and why the complementarity principle in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court has had a catalysing effect on the legal systems of Uganda and Sudan. She spent many months in both countries, interviewing officials, observing proceedings and searching documents to discover whether domestic legal reforms have taken place in response to the Court’s involvement.  (more…)

15 January 2014

Presentation: The Problem of Many Hands in International Law: A Shared Responsibility Perspective, by André Nollkaemper

Professor André Nollkaemper will deliver a lecture entitled: ‘The Problem of Many Hands in International Law: A Shared Responsibility Perspective’ at the Tel Aviv University on 15 January 2014.

This lecture is part of a seminar series on The Obligation of States to Foreign Stakeholders. For more information see here.

Members of the SHARES team regularly present their research on a variety of issues of shared responsibility.

9 and 10 January 2014

Presentation: Sharing international responsibility for network failures: a relational account, by André Nollkaemper

Professor André Nollkaemper will deliver a presentation entitled ‘Sharing international responsibility for network failures: a relational account’ in Barcelona on 9-10 January 2014.

This presentation is part of the Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance. For more information see here.

Members of the SHARES team regularly present their research on a variety of issues of shared responsibility.

8 January 2014

UvA awards honorary doctorate to professor James Crawford

On 8 January 2014, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will award a honorary doctorate to professor James Crawford during the UvA Dies Natalis celebration.

James R. Crawford (1948), a member of the SHARES advisory board, is receiving the honorary doctorate in recognition of his major contribution to the field of international law, and most notably the law of responsibility.

James Crawford is professor of international law at the University of Cambridge, a fellow of Jesus College at Cambridge and a research chair at La Trobe University in Melbourne. He is also a member of the Institut de droit international. (more…)

19 December 2013

Presentation: Aspects of Shared Responsibility of the EU and its Member States: The Problem of Fisheries, by Ilias Plakokefalos

Post-doctoral researcher Ilias Plakokefalos will deliver a lecture entitled: ‘Aspects of Shared Responsibility of the EU and its Member States: The Problem of Fisheries’ at the Conference of the Hellenic Society of International Law & International Relations on 19 December 2013. (more…)

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