Latest events

22 January 2015

Presentation: Causation in the Law of State Responsibility, by Ilias Plakokefalos

Post-doctoral researcher Ilias Plakokefalos will speak at the Public International Law Discussion Group session entitled: ‘Causation in the Law of State Responsibility’ at the University of Oxford, on 22 January 2015. (more…)

20 January 2015

SHARES Debate: The Ebola crisis: opportunities and limitations of international cooperation

On Tuesday 20 January 2015, the fifth SHARES Debate is organised in cooperation with SPUI25, an academic-cultural centre that offers a forum for among others lectures, debates and book presentations.

SHARES Debates are organised throughout the academic year to provide a platform for discussions with a broader (non-academic) audience on questions of shared responsibility. The upcoming debate is entitled: ‘Ebola crisis: opportunities and limitations of international cooperation’. (more…)

16 December 2014

SHARES Seminar on Shared Responsibility and Attribution in International Law

On Tuesday 16 December 2014, the seminar ‘Shared Responsibility and Attribution in International Law’ will be held in Komotini, Greece. The seminar is hosted by the Democritus University of Thrace.

This seminar will critically appraise the issue of attribution in the context of shared responsibility. The framework for the seminar will be the concept of shared responsibility as it has been developed in the SHARES Project. Shared responsibility refers to situations where multiple actors contribute towards a harmful outcome. Attribution of conduct is of central importance in the process of determining shared responsibility. While the broad contours of attribution have been explored within the framework of the project, particular issues pose further challenges to the approach of the International Law Commission (ILC) as it has been codified in the Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ARSIWA) and the Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations (ARIO). (more…)

15 December 2014

Presentation: Putting it all together: Shared Responsibility, by Ilias Plakokefalos

Post-doctoral researcher Ilias Plakokefalos will give a presentation entitled: ‘Putting it all together: Shared Responsibility’ at the University of Athens, Greece, on 15 December 2014. (more…)

11 December 2014

Book launch: Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law

booksharesOn Thursday 11 December 2014, the SHARES project/Amsterdam Center for International Law in cooperation with Cambridge University Press will organise a book launch in the Hague to present the first volume of the SHARES book series: Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law: An Appraisal of the State of the Art.

The book contains a critical review of the established principles of international responsibility as developed by the International Law Commission – that are widely considered to be the state of the art in the law of international responsibility – from the perspective of shared responsibility. The volume also identifies any developments that might de lege ferenda provide for a better fit between the law of responsibility and shared responsibility.

The two editors of the book Professor André Nollkaemper (director of the SHARES project and professor of public international law at the University of Amsterdam) and Dr. Ilias Plakokefalos (post-doctoral researcher in the SHARES project at the University of Amsterdam) will provide a short introduction to the volume.

His Excellency Judge Peter Tomka (president of the International Court of Justice) will provide some general remarks about questions of international and shared responsibility, and their connection with the work of the ICJ.

Professor Pierre d’Argent (professor at the University of Louvain (UCL)) will give a presentation on the subject of his chapter ‘Reparation, Cessation, Assurances and Guarantees of Non-Repetition’ (chapter 7 of the volume).

After the presentations there is an opportunity for questions from the audience.

More information concerning the book can be found here.

This event is sponsored by Cambridge University Press. Admission is free. The capacity of the venue is however limited. It you plan to attend, please register in advance by sending an email to Mrs. Iona Tjiong at:


See here for the video of the book launch.

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