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17 and 18 November 2011

Conference: Foundations of Shared Responsibility in International Law

The research project on Shared Responsibility in International Law (SHARES) carried out at the University of Amsterdam explores the allocation of international responsibilities where multiple actors contribute to an international wrong. It seeks to uncover the extent and nature of the problem of scattering international responsibilities and to provide a fresh perspective on how the ever increasing interdependence in the international legal order, can be better matched with a proper system of shared responsibility.

The Conference on Foundations of Shared Responsibility in International Law, organized at an early stage in the SHARES project, will explore fundamental and conceptual issues that explain the state of law, allow for identification of gaps and provide insights on possibilities for further development of the law pertaining to shared responsibility.

The Conference also will be a first take on the findings of the SHARES project so far, and will allow for a confrontation with other competing and/or complementary approaches. (more…)

7 October 2011

Expert Seminar: Shared Responsibility in International Environmental Law

The Expert Meeting will address the allocation of responsibility in respect of environmental protection.

Transboundary environmental harm is the archetypical problem of shared responsibility in that it invites an application of principles of joint and several or proportionate responsibility. But the number of claims that has actually led to the application of such principles is very limited, especially in the context of traditional enforcement mechanisms. Rather, states have laid down in a series of treaties how responsibility for transboundary environmental harm is to be shared. Such arrangements differ for different environmental problems, such as climate change, transboundary air pollution and transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and chemicals.

The seminar is organized with a view to map primary rules in the area of international environmental law. (more…)

30 May 2011

Expert Seminar: Shared Responsibility in International Refugee Protection

The Expert Seminar addressed the allocation of responsibility in respect of refugee protection. Collective or shared responsibility for refugees is highly topical. The regime is based on the recognition that problems of refugees (both the causes of refugee flows and the protection of refugees) are international problems that require international cooperation.

The meeting focused on three aspects of the refugee regime that are of particular interest from the perspective of SHARES: (1) collective responsibility (obligations) of states for the protection of refugees; (2) shared responsibilities arising out of extra-territorial refugee policies; and (3) shared responsibilities arising out of the practice of refoulement. The aim of the seminar was to examine and discuss what principles of collective and shared responsibility have emerged in the area of refugee protection.

On the basis of the presentations and discussions during the meeting, a report is currently being prepared on issues of shared responsibility in the context of refugee law that will be made publicly available on this website.

15 May 2011

Call for Papers for Conference on Shared Responsibility – Deadline 15 May

The Conference on Foundations of Shared Responsibility in International Law, the first major conference organized by the SHARES project, will explore fundamental and conceptual issues that explain the state of law, allow for identification of gaps and provide insights on possibilities and limitations for further development of the law pertaining to shared responsibility.

These questions are of theoretical and practical relevance in themselves, and will inform future developments of the SHARES project as a whole. The Conference also will be a first take on the findings of the SHARES project so far, and will allow for a confrontation with other competing and/or complementary approaches.

We invite the submission of proposals for the Conference. The deadline for submission is 15 May. Proposals should be sent to Isabelle Swerissen. Any inquiry about the Conference can be directed to Dov Jacobs.

Find the full call for papers here.

16 December 2010

Expert Seminar: Responsibility in Multinational Military Operations

The SHARES Project held a one-day Expert Seminar in Amsterdam on 16 December 2010 devoted to the topic of Responsibility in Multinational Military Operations, with a specific focus on practice. The seminar was organized in cooperation with the International Law Centre of the Swedish National Defence College as a follow up to a previous seminar organized in Stockholm in October 2009.

The seminar was part of the Expert Seminar Series launched by SHARES to uncover the practice in diverse areas. The seminar on allocation of responsibility in the context of multinational military operations was the first of these seminars, later followed by seminars on protection of refugees and international environmental law.

This Expert Seminar examined the practice of four international organizations engaging in multinational military operations: the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European Union, and the African Union.

You can find a Report of the Expert Seminar here.

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