Latest events

9 July 2012 to 13 July 2012

Lecture Series on Shared Responsibility in International Law, VIII International Law Winter Course, Brazil

André Nollkaemper will deliver a lecture series on Shared Responsibility as part of the VIII International Law Winter Course, inspired by and based upon the The Hague Academy of International Law Summer Course. (more…)

11 June 2012

SHARES Lecture: ‘The future of the UN climate change regime: options for the Durban platform negotiations’, by Professor Bodansky

On 11 June 2012, Professor Daniel Bodansky will give a SHARES lecture on the topic of: ‘The future of the UN climate change regime: options for the Durban platform negotiations’.

Professor Bodansky is Lincoln Professor of Law, Ethics and Sustainability at Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. He an expert on global climate change whose teaching and research focus on international environmental law and public international law. (more…)

24 May 2012

SHARES Lecture: ‘Joint responsibility in international law: revisiting the Oil Platforms case’, by Professor Simma

On 24 May 2012, Professor Bruno Simma will provide a SHARES Lecture at the University of Amsterdam on the topic of  ‘Joint responsibility in international law: revisiting the Oil Platforms case‘.

Professor Bruno Simma is a former Judge of the International Court of Justice (2003-2012) and is William W. Cook Global Law Professor at University of Michigan Law School. He has notably been writing on issues central to the topic of shared responsibility (e.g. From Bilateralism to Community Interest in International Law, 1994), and is member of the SHARES Advisory Board. (more…)

15 March 2012

SHARES Lecture: ‘Burden sharing in international refugee law’, by Professor Chimni

Professor Bhupinder S. Chimni will provide a lecture on ‘burden sharing in international refugee law’ as part of the SHARES lecture series. The principle of burden sharing requires states to cooperate in dealing with the global refugee problem. In his book International Refugee Law: A Reader he argues that it is not merely a moral but a legal principle. (more…)

8 March 2012

Panel Discussion and Book Launch: ‘Why Libya but not Syria? The Dilemma of the Responsibility to Protect’

On 8 March 2012, the Amsterdam Center for International Law in cooperation with Amsterdam University Press will host a panel discussion followed by the book launch of “Responsibility to Protect: From Principle to Practice”, a volume edited by Julia Hoffmann and André Nollkaemper.


Saskia Gieling (Publisher Amsterdam University Press) will provide a welcome address and an introduction of the panel.

Speakers on the panel include Ko Colijn (Director of the Clingendael Institute of International Relations and regular commentator for Dutch and foreign public news services), Juurd Eijsvoogel (International relations correspondent at NRC Handelsblad and chair of the panel), Frank Majoor (Permanent Representative of the Netherlands at the NATO) and André Nollkaemper (Professor of Public International Law at the University of Amsterdam). (more…)

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